Le mapping vidéo, une technique innovante technique et artistique.
Apparu dans les années 2000, le mapping vidéo (projection mapping en anglais) est une technique consistant à vidéo-projeter des animations visuelles sur des volumes. Popularisée par la projection sur monument, cette technique est maintenant de plus en plus utilisée lors de spectacles, conférences, lancements de produits, etc. Elle reste cependant aujourd’hui réservée à des experts pour des raisons financières et techniquement complexes.
L’objectif de Mapping-event est de démocratiser le vidéo-mapping pour le rendre accessible aux domaines actuellement délaissés tel que 2vénements et fêtes privées en raison de son coût et sa difficulté de mise en place.
Nos projections sont en 3D, toujours en multi-projections de manière à obtenir le plus de relief possible. Nos créations sont faites en concertation avec nos clients, nos axes principaux sont: Emotion, Histoire et Spectacle.
What is projection mapping?
Turn any object, shape or building into a surface for projection.
Projection mapping is a technology used to transform objects or physical spaces, regardless of shape or size, into a display surface for projection. The object or space to project upon can be virtually anything - from complex industrial landscapes, such as buildings, to smaller indoor objects or stages.
The technology at the center of projection mapping is a process called ‘edge-blending’ or ‘edge-butting’ where multiple projectors are coordinated to control where one beam of light ends and another begins. Edge-blended images are capable of transforming four walls into one continuous image. There are two types of projection mapping, 2D and 3D. The difference being each is dependent on the type of surface being projected on:
• 2D Mapping – Projection Mapping onto flat surfaces, such as screens or walls. We can use 2D mapping to create vast visual displays across whole walls, from top to bottom, within your venue.
• 3D Mapping – Projection Mapping onto three-dimensional objects. 3D projection is capable of creating mind-bending effects through warping content with a controlled software, as images take on physical form. We can add inanimate objects onto your stage and create illusions surrounding your guests through 3D mapping.
At Mapping-event we are equipped with the vision technology and expertise to create an immersive experience like no other. Using powerful high-definition projectors like 12000 lumens laser, we can design and create multimedia to be projected onto a custom made set which matches the built framework perfectly